Hähnchen mit Hirse und Reis

Leckeres selbst gemacht, so gehts

Hähnchen mit Hirse und Reis

Beitragvon maria55 » 9. August 2013, 08:19

Sie brauchen dazu: - 2 Hähnchenkeulen - 100 Gramm Hirse - 1 Ei - etwas Petersilie - 2 Esslöffel Olivenöl, kaltgepresst - einige Salatblätter iiiioder - eine kleine Menge Feldsalat Zubereitungszeit: ca. 20 Minuten Zubereitung: - Hähnchen in Wasser gar kochen. - In einem weiteren Topf das Wasser für die Hirse zum Kochen bringen. - Die Hirse in das kochende Wasser geben und ca. 20 Minuten weich kochen. - Das Ei hart kochen. - Das weiche Hähnchenfleisch sorgfältig von den Knochen lösen und klein schneiden. - Nun das Ei, den Salat, die Petersilie klein hacken. - Zum Schluß die weiche Hirse mit allen anderen Zutaten vermischen. Hinweis Hähnchenknochen sind Röhrenknochen und dürfen Hunde nie bekommen. Diese Knochen splittern und können zu Verletzungen bei dem Hund führen. Doch der Gelenkknorpel der Hähnchenkeulen enthält viele Mineralien und sollte somit zur Hundemahlzeit dazu gegeben werden. Die Hirse sollte immer gut gar gekocht sein. Die harte Schale der Hirse enthält sehr viel Kieslsäure, die von dem Hund sonst nicht gut bzw. gar nicht verdaut werden kann.
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 14. Mai 2013, 07:48

Re: Hähnchen mit Hirse und Reis

Beitragvon Dany » 12. August 2013, 12:36

Hast Du noch mehr dieser Rezepte? Würden mich schon interessieren!! *grinser*
Liebe Grüße von Dani mit Chilli und Taco
Beiträge: 522
Registriert: 13. Januar 2013, 11:07

Re: Hähnchen mit Hirse und Reis

Beitragvon Nicole » 1. Oktober 2013, 22:16

Ich wollt das nu für uns nachkochen, bis ich gedacht hab "warum Hähnchenfleisch gleich von den Knochen lösen?" - ähm... ich nehm nu an das is ein Rezept fürs Hunde bekochen? *peilnlich*
Beiträge: 254
Registriert: 19. Januar 2013, 19:32
Wohnort: zwischen Würzburg und Heilbronn

Re: Hähnchen mit Hirse und Reis

Beitragvon Dany » 7. Oktober 2013, 11:48

*oooops* Hahhahah! Nicole, Du bist die Härte!!! :thumbsup:
Liebe Grüße von Dani mit Chilli und Taco
Beiträge: 522
Registriert: 13. Januar 2013, 11:07

Re: Hähnchen mit Hirse und Reis

Beitragvon Nicole » 7. Oktober 2013, 19:33

Beiträge: 254
Registriert: 19. Januar 2013, 19:32
Wohnort: zwischen Würzburg und Heilbronn

air max pas cher UK terminology UK terminology

Beitragvon jordanss123 » 1. März 2017, 12:17

Countries of the United Kingdom,air max pas cher
This is a draft article,air max pas cher, under development and not meant to be cited; you can help to improve it. These unapproved articles are subject to a disclaimer.[edit intro]
Countries of the United Kingdom is a term used for England,air max pas cher, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales,air max pas cher, which together form the sovereign state of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. They are also described as "constituent countries",air max pas cher, "countries within a country"[1] and "nations". English, Northern Irish,air max pas cher, Scottish and Welsh nationals are all British citizens without distinction. Citizens of Northern Ireland are also entitled to Irish citizenship through the Republic of Ireland, and can hold a dual citizenship with Britain,air max pas cher, retain the option of Irish citizenship, or have the entitlement to either citizenship removed by request.[2]
The Parliament of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty's Government deal with all reserved matters for Northern Ireland and Scotland and all non-transferred matters for Wales, but not in general on matters that have been devolved to the Northern Ireland Assembly, Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly. England remains the full responsibility of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which is centralised in London. As the sovereign state, the United Kingdom is recognised as the representative country under international law, and thus England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are not themselves listed on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) list of countries.
The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are British Islands,air max pas cher, but are not under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland is a separate country and sovereign state, and although part of the geographical 'British Isles',air max pas cher, is not a part of the British Islands or the UK.
Identity within the UK
Many citizens of the United Kingdom cite "Britain",air max pas cher, "United Kingdom" and "British" as their country and nationality, while others identify specifically with England, Northern Ireland,air max pas cher, Scotland or Wales.[3] Others identify primarily with their constituent country,air max pas cher, but hold a sense of 'Britishness' in equal or high esteem. People from a mixed background sometimes ally with more than one of the constituent countries. The propensity for nationalistic feeling varies greatly across the UK, and can rise and fall over time.[4] Generally the UK countries are considered to be a close union, with shared values, language, currency and culture,air max pas cher, and with people moving and working freely throughout.[5] Since the significant broadening of autonomous governance throughout the UK in the late 1990s,air max pas cher, debate has taken place across the United Kingdom on the relative value of full independence.[6]
UK terminology
Various terms have been used to describe England,air max pas cher, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This fact is illustrated by the following two tables.
Legal terminology
There is no term in UK law for England, Northern Ireland,air max pas cher, Scotland and Wales as a group of individual parts; each one was a complete incorporating union. Nevertheless, for various purposes they do refer to the areas of the former states. These are listed below:
Terminology in the Acts of Union
The Laws in Wales Acts 1535-1542 annexed the legal system of Wales to England[7] to create the single entity commonly known today as England and Wales. Wales was described as the "Country,air max pas cher, Principality and Dominion", "Dominion of Wales"[7] or the "Dominion,air max pas cher, Principality and Country" or "Dominion and Principality" of Wales[8]. Outside of Wales, England was not given a specific name or term.
The Acts of Union 1707 refer to both England and Scotland as a "Part of the united Kingdom"[9]
The Acts of Union 1800 use "Part" in the same way. They also use "Country" to describe Great Britain and Ireland respectively, when describing trade between them[10]
The Government of Ireland Act 1920 does not use any term or description to classify Northern Ireland nor indeed Great Britain.
Current Legal Terminology
The Interpretation Act 1978 provides some definitions for terms relating the countries of the United Kingdom. Use of these terms in other legislation is interpreted following the definitions in the 1978 Act. The definitions are listed below
"England" means,air max pas cher, subject to any alteration of boundaries under Part IV of the Local Government Act 1972, the area consisting of the counties established by section 1 of that Act,air max pas cher, Greater London and the Isles of Scilly." This definition applies from 1 April 1974.
"United Kingdom" means "Great Britain and Northern Ireland." This definition applies from 12 April 1927,air max pas cher.
"Wales" means the combined area of the 12 original administrative counties (with the addition of Monmouthshire) re-formulated into 8 new counties under section 20 of the Local Government Act 1972,air max pas cher, as originally enacted,air max pas cher, but subject to any alteration made under section 73 of that Act (consequential alteration of boundary following alteration of watercourse).". Even in the Scotland Act 1998 there is no delineation of the country, with the definition in section 126 simply providing that Scotland includes "so much of the internal waters and territorial sea of the United Kingdom as are adjacent to Scotland". See also Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries Order 1999 and Anglo-Scottish border.
"Countries of the United Kingdom"
The following table presents 36 reliable sources that use the term "Countries of the United Kingdom". For examples of "country", "constituent country" and other terms in use,air max pas cher, please refer to the further tables below.

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